Health care budgets are tight, and health economic evaluations are key to support decision-making: launched in 2010, the HERO project (Health Economics in Radiation Oncology) is developing a knowledge base and a cost accounting model estimating the national cost of radiotherapy (RT). The overall aim is to provide solid data to the RT community to engage with governments, funders and decision makers, and advocate for better funding for RT, better resource planning and ultimately better care for cancer patients.
To accomplish these objectives, the HERO project addresses different dimensions: the provision and accessibility of radiotherapy in Europe, then compared to the need for radiotherapy, and the cost of radiotherapy assessed at national level thanks to a cost-accounting model tailored for radiotherapy, in order to engage in economic evaluations of radiotherapy, e.g. cost-effectiveness and cost-utility.
The project is carried out in close collaboration with the European national societies of radiation oncology. A task force has been formed, consisting of international specialists in the field.