ESTRO Moodle

How can I access the ESTRO Moodle?

ESTRO Moodle is available in MyESTRO, under the section Resources.

Only participants registered to an ESTRO course can access the platform for a limited time (usually up to 4 months after the course).

If you still encounter issues, please contact


Why can’t I access the content uploaded in the E-library?

Make sure that you are logged in with your MyESTRO account.

Access to the content depends on type and validity of your membership and/or registration to an event.

Check here what are the benefits linked to your membership or here to apply for one.

If you still encounter issues, please contact



Does ESTRO have a specific section about COVID-19?

Yes, please consult our COVID-19 resources’ page:


Cancellation of a course registration

If I need to cancel my registration to a course, what charges are incurred?

Please see the Cancellation-Policy-docx