EU-REST European Union Radiation, Education, Staffing & Training
The 24-month European Commission tender project EU-REST started in September 2022 and will last until 31 August 2024. It is intended to answer the invitation to tender addressing Call HADEA/2022/OP/0003 for a service contract regarding analysis on workforce availability, education and training needs for the quality and safety of medical applications involving ionising radiation in the EU. The action contributes to the implementation of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and is also part of the actions of the Strategic Agenda for Medical Ionising Radiation Applications (SAMIRA) Action Plan.
This tender is proposed jointly by the European Society of Radiology (ESR), the European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP), the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS) and the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO).
The project aims to provide an analysis of workforce availability, education, and training needs to ensure quality and safety aspects of medical applications involving ionising radiation in the EU. In addition, it foresees the development of staffing and education and training guidelines for key professional groups involved in ensuring radiation safety and quality of medical radiation applications in the EU member states.
The project will meet the following specific objectives:
- Collect and analyse data on workforce availability, education, and training needs to ensure quality and safety aspects of medical applications involving ionising radiation, as well as related stakeholder mapping.
- Draft guidelines for staffing and education andtraining for medical and other professionals involved in medical radiation applications in Member States and related stakeholder consultation.
- Develop conclusions and recommendations.
ESTRO and its experts are involved with Working Packages (WP) 1, 2 & 3.
The ESTRO Experts are:
Yavuz Anacak, radiation oncologist, Izmir/TR
Nuria Jornet, medical physicist, Barcelona/ES
Michelle Leech, radiation therapist, Dublin/IE
Mary Coffey, radiation therapist, Dublin/IE
Cristina Garibaldi, medical physicist, Milan/IT
Pedro Lara, radiation oncologist, Las Palmas/ES
Data collection and analysis on workforce availability, education and training needs involving ionising radiation.
WP1 aims to collect up-to-date data on staffing, education and training of the key professional groups involved in ensuring radiation safety and quality of medical radiation applications in Member States. The collected data will cover the areas of radiology, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and other medical practices independently utilising ionising radiation, from an educational and training standpoint, with an emphasis on procedures delivering high(er) radiation doses to patients and/or staff.
ESTRO Experts involved:
Yavuz Anacak, radiation oncologist, Izmir/TR
Nuria Jornet, medical physicist, Barcelona/ES
Michelle Leech, radiation therapist, Dublin/IE
WP 2 - Drafting guidelines for staffing and education/training.
This work package will use the information collected in WP1 to form the basis of guidelines for staffing and education and training. A series of guidelines will be required covering the three disciplines: radiology, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy. The guidelines will focus on staff activities and associated workforce requirements as well as the education and training needs of all disciplines with respect to the roles and responsibilities associated with each. Following their drafting, the guidelines will undergo external peer review and stakeholder consultation. The training in radiation protection will be assessed. In particular it will be monitored whether the training is included in the specialization training, or it is with an independent registration.
ESTRO Experts:
Mary Coffey, radiation therapist, Dublin/IE (Lead)
Yavuz Anacak, radiation oncologist, Izmir/TR
Cristina Garibaldi, medical physicist, Milan/IT
Nuria Jornet, medical physicist, Barcelona/ES
WP 3 - Conclusions and recommendations on the EU workforce availability.
The objective of WP3 is to provide the conclusions and recommendations on the EU workforce availability, education and training needs for the quality and safety of medical applications involving ionising radiation, for Medical Doctors, Radiographers & Radiation Therapists, Medical Physicists and other health professionals using ionising radiation.
The conclusions and recommendations will be based on the deliverables from WP1 and WP2, a literature review, and the outputs from a stakeholder consultation process made through an online survey.
ESTRO Experts:
Yavuz Anacak, radiation oncologist, Izmir/TR
Pedro Lara, radiation oncologist, Las Palmas/ES
Michelle Leech, radiation therapist, Dublin/IE
WP4 - Project management, Coordination and Dissemination
This WP will ensure the overall coordination of the project and monitor implementation of the proposed workplan. WP4 will also be responsible for the dissemination activities in alignment with the European Commission.