Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 08
09:00 - 10:00
Poster Station 1
09: Inter-fraction motion & adaptive radiotherapy
Mirjana Josipovic, Denmark
Poster Discussions are presented at one of the sessions scheduled at the two poster terminals in the exhibition. Each author will present a digital poster orally for 2 minutes, followed by 2 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be streamed but authors are invited to upload per-recordings for the online platform.
Poster Discussion
The impact of using propagated contours for automatic replanning on CBCTs for H&N radiotherapy
David Nash, United Kingdom


The impact of using propagated contours for automatic replanning on CBCTs for H&N radiotherapy

David Nash1, Alan McWilliam2, Antony L Palmer1, Eliana Vasquez Osorio3

1Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust, Medical Physics, Portsmouth, United Kingdom; 2University of Manchester, Division of Cancer Sciences , Manchester, United Kingdom; 3University of Manchester, Division of Cancer Sciences, Manchester, United Kingdom

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Purpose or Objective

Adaptive radiotherapy requires rapid recontouring for replanning or assessment of need to replan. Studies have reported the geometric accuracy of propagated contours, but no studies have looked at the dosimetric implications of using these contours for replanning. In this work, propagated contours from 5 software applications were used to reoptimize head and neck (HN) radiotherapy plans on treatment CBCT images.

Material and Methods

Radiotherapy treatment plans for ten randomly selected HN patients, using 65.1/54 Gy to PTV1/PTV2 in 30 fractions, were created in RayStation (RayStation Labs, Sweden). Planning contours for the spinal cord (SC), brainstem (BS), parotids and larynx contours were propagated to five CBCTs (equally spaced during treatment) which underwent a shading correction¹. Contours were propagated using 5 commercially available systems: Pinnacle (Philips, NL), Mirada (Mirada Medical Systems, UK), ProSoma (Medcom, FR), RayStation and ADMIRE (Elekta, UK). Two gold standard contours were created: manual and consensus from all propagated contours (STAPLE). PTVs were derived from rigidly propagated CTVs.

Plans based on each CBCT for all propagated contours (n=5 sets) were optimised on RayStation via the scripting interface. DVH parameters for each replan, using the gold standard contours, were extracted. Differences between the DVH parameters of the plans optimised using propagated contours and the plans optimised using the gold standard contours were assessed using Wilcoxon sign rank test. For reporting, parotids were split into spared and treated depending on whether the planned average dose was <26 Gy. To assess for plan complexity, the modulation complexity score (MCS)² and the plan MU for the replans were extracted.


A total of 350 replans were generated (10 patients, 7 contour sets, 5 CBCTs). Median DVH differences were maximum 0.4 Gy (table 1, fig 1), with maximum DVH difference outliers up to 7.3 Gy – possibly due to dose gradients. The median MU (fig 2a) for the original plans was 467.4 MU and 555.3 MU for the replans (p<0.01) whilst the MCS (fig 2b) was 0.127 and 0.119 (p=0.26) – indicating a slight increase in complexity.

Table 1. Median DVH parameter differences (Gy), D1cc for SC, BS and their PRVs, mean doses for parotid and larynx. * indicates statistically significant differences (p<0.05)

OrganSCBSSC PRVBS PRVSpared parotidTreated parotidLarynx


In our patient group, most propagated contours were able to produce a plan close to the gold standard. Contour correction would be recommended in high dose and high dose gradient organs. The replans calculated in this study have an increased complexity, so deliverability should be further assessed. Further work on patients with large changes is required to evaluate the generalisability of our conclusions.

¹Marchant, T.E. et al., Phys Med Biol, 2008, ²McGarry, C.K. et al, Br J Radiol, 2015.