Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 08
09:00 - 10:00
Poster Station 1
09: Inter-fraction motion & adaptive radiotherapy
Mirjana Josipovic, Denmark
Poster Discussions are presented at one of the sessions scheduled at the two poster terminals in the exhibition. Each author will present a digital poster orally for 2 minutes, followed by 2 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be streamed but authors are invited to upload per-recordings for the online platform.
Poster Discussion
Evaluating pharyngeal constrictors for adaptive radiotherapy intervention to reduce dysphagia
Owen Paetkau, Canada


Evaluating pharyngeal constrictors for adaptive radiotherapy intervention to reduce dysphagia

Owen Paetkau1, Sarah Weppler1, Jaime Kwok2, Harvey Quon2, Wendy Smith1

1Tom Baker Cancer Center, Medical Physics, Calgary, Canada; 2Tom Baker Cancer Center, Radiation Oncology, Calgary, Canada

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Purpose or Objective

This study evaluates pharyngeal constrictors as a target for adaptive radiotherapy (ART) in head and neck cancer treatment to reduce patient reported dysphagia. Suitable ART targets exhibit anatomical changes resulting in systematic dose changes larger than 5% throughout treatment. 

Material and Methods

A dataset of 66 oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal patients treated with curative chemo-radiotherapy (70Gy in 33 fractions; 34 with dysphagia and 32 without) were retrospectively studied.  A summary score greater than 40 on the MD Anderson Dysphagia Inventory survey identified patients with moderate-to-severe dysphagia. Weekly cone beam CT (CBCT) and patient-reported outcomes at one-year post-RT were collected. We propagated the dose and clinical contours to weekly CBCTs using Velocity, Version 3.2.02. Dose accumulation was performed by weighting dose-volume histogram metrics by time between CBCTs. The pharyngeal constrictor mean volume and dose were calculated for each available CBCT. 


Pre-treatment factors such as alcohol intake, smoking history and P16 status were not statistically significant between asymptomatic and dysphagia groups (p>0.1775). The pharyngeal constrictor volume increased over treatment for both asymptomatic (1.60±1.54cc) and dysphagia groups (1.42±1.82cc). No changes in accumulated mean dose larger than 5% to the pharyngeal constrictors were observed (Figure 1). The maximum accumulated mean dose exhibited by the dysphagia and asymptomatic groups were 103.9% and 103.3% respectively with some inter-fraction variability amongst patients.

A 10-patient subset analysis examined pharyngeal constrictor isotropic margin expansions (±1mm, ±3mm) to evaluate nearby dose gradients. A 3mm expansion margin was chosen to replicate the largest pharyngeal constrictor thickness change observed in the literature. The expansion structure D1% metrics were not significantly different from the original plan (p>0.204). No points fell outside of the 5% error with the margin expansions (Figure 2). In the patients examined, the pharyngeal constrictors are not adjacent to the high dose region.

Figure 1. Left is the ratio of fraction-to-planned mean dose while right is the ratio of accumulated–to-planned mean dose for each patient. No patients exceeded an accumulated mean dose of 105%.

Figure 2. Expansion and original D1% dose plotted for the ±1mm and ±3mm expansions added to the pharyngeal constrictors of a 10-patient subset. There are no dosimetric changes larger than 5% and hence no large dose gradients near the original structures.


No patients in this study indicated pharyngeal constrictor mean accumulated dose changes sufficient (>5%) to suggest adaptive radiation therapy as an intervention to reduce patient reported dysphagia.