Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 07
10:30 - 11:30
Auditorium 11
Danique Barten, The Netherlands;
Victor Gonzalez-Perez, Spain
Proffered Papers
11:10 - 11:20
Evaluation of the use of micro-silica bead thermoluminescent detectors for brachytherapy dosimetry.
Sarah Wilby, United Kingdom


Evaluation of the use of micro-silica bead thermoluminescent detectors for brachytherapy dosimetry.

Sarah Wilby1, Shakardokht Jafari1, Wojciech Polak1, Antony Palmer1

1Portsmouth Hospital University Trust, Medical Physics, Portsmouth, United Kingdom

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Purpose or Objective

Micro-Silica beads have been used as thermoluminescent (TL) dosimeters for radiotherapy with photon energies in the range 0.7 to 25 MV [1,2].  This study is the first to characterise their use with I-125 seeds, at a mean photon energy of 27 keV. Beads have potential to be valuable dosimeters in brachytherapy (BT) due to their small size (1.6 mm diameter) allowing high spatial resolution. 

Material and Methods

An I-125 BT seed (AgX100, BXTAccelyon) was positioned vertically into a custom-made solid water (Gammex RMI 457) jig. A template holding silica bead (TOHO, Japan) dosimeters was positioned, with the centre of the beads level with the centre of the source. The beads were arranged to avoid any attenuation shadowing of other beads (Figure 1).  The solid water jig and template were positioned centrally in full scatter conditions (40 x 30 x 30 cm). Five different concentric ring bead templates were designed (table 1):

·   Templates 1 and 2 to check the linearity of the bead’s TL response with dose and dose rate. 

·  Templates 3 – 5 to evaluate repeatability and uncertainty. 

To convert TL signal to nominal dose, an individual bead sensitivity calibration factor (CFS:D) was determined, by linac irradiation at 6MV.  Preparation, annealing and read-out of the beads followed previously published work.  Raw counts were corrected for background and sensitivity before applying CFS:D to get nominal dose from calibrated beads (Db). TG43U1 formalism was used to calculate the expected dose to water (Dw) at each of the ring distances used.

Table 1.  Details of the bead configurations, source strength and exposure time.

Ring distances from source centre (mm) (# beads per ring)
Source Strength, t=0 (mCi)
Exposure time (days)
15, 8, 10 …. 50 in 5 mm steps (5)
25, 8, 10 …. 50 in 5 mm steps (5)
310 (12)
410 (5), 20 (20)0.4314
520 (20), 40 (20)0.5335


Figure 2a shows the ratio of bead dose to water dose (Db/ Dw) for all beads on templates 1 and 2 as a function of distance from the source.  The results for beads furthest from the source, shows significantly bigger variability in response than those closer to the source. A possible explanation is that the limit of detectability from the beads has been reached or increased uncertainty at low dose levelsThe average Db/ Dw was 5.48 ± 0.16 (k = 2) (range 1.53 to 6.74).  Two anomalies circled in Figure 2b have been excluded from the average and the range.  Repeatability results from templates 3-5 were used to calculate the uncertainty.


The potential for use of silica beads in BT source dosimetry has been demonstrated. There is a need for reduced uncertainty in the readout process.  Further work including Monte-Carlo modelling of dose deposition in silica from I-125, as a function of energy change with distance from the sourcewill be conducted.