The Emmanuel van der Schueren Award is given in honour of the founding father of ESTRO and in recognition of excellent scientific work, enormous contribution within ESTRO to the field of education and promotion of radiation oncology as a discipline.

The recipient of this award delivers a lecture at the ESTRO Congress.


  • 2024 Glasgow

M. Van Herk (UK)

  • 2023 Vienna

L.T. Tan (UK)

  • 2022 Copenhagen

P. Hoskin (UK)

  • 2021 Madrid

J. G. Eriksen (DK)

  • 2020 Online Congress

M. Leech (IE)

  • 2019 Milan 

N. Jornet (ES)

  • 2018 Barcelona 

Ch. Verfaillie (BE)

  • 2017 Vienna 

B. Heijmen (NL)

  • 2016 Turin 

A. Barrett (UK)

  • 2015 Barcelona 

C. Grau (DK)

  • 2014 Vienna 

D. Thwaites (AU)

  • 2013 Geneva 

B. Mijnheer (NL)

  • 2012 Barcelona 

P. Scalliet (BE)

  • 2011 Stockholm 

F. Calvo (ES)

  • 2010 Barcelona 

R. Pötter (AT)

  • 2009 Berlin 

M. Coffey (IE)

  • 2008 Göteborg 

A. Begg (NL)

  • 2007 Barcelona  

J. W. Leer (NL)

  • 2006 Leipzig 

J. Maciejewski (PL)

  • 2004 Amsterdam 

G. Heeren (BE)