ESTRO science engagement policy is a procedure on how ESTRO engages in scientific research.
ESTRO is a scientific society promoting research to improve radiation oncology in all its aspects. Research supported, endorsed or initiated by ESTRO has to be in line with ESTRO’s vision. Research is a central component of the ESTRO vision and any research supported, endorsed or initiated by ESTRO should reflect and support the ESTRO vision.
ESTRO is committed to supporting research relevant to its members. The scope of ESTRO involvement will vary with the research topic, the type of research activity, and the level of support requested.
ESTRO has defined the scope of engagement in four categories:
- Research supported by ESTRO
- Research facilitated by ESTRO
- Research to which ESTRO contributes and participates
- Research initiated and driven by ESTRO
ESTRO has defined selection and review criteria for each of these categories.
ESTRO will require regular updates as part of its engagement in any category and will retain the right to withdraw its support if considered appropriate.
To apply for ESTRO support please, choose the correct category you wish to engage with ESTRO.
Complete the application form and submit to Eralda Azizaj.
ESTRO science engagement approval process will take one to three months depending on the category applied for.