
Falcon Workshop on Thorax and Abdominal OaRs for Radiation Therapists

This FALCON thorax and abdominal organs at risk (OARs) Online Workshop is a Radiation Therapist (RTT) professional specific, comprehensive, interactive training course. The aim is for participants to acquire and refresh their contouring skills and radiation oncology knowledge on the latest evidence in OARs contouring for thorax and abdominal regions: guidelines for target and OAR contour strategies, rational and concepts for margin setup and motion management, implementation of RTT led OAR contouring workflows and relevant education and training framework. Participants will contour on a specific patient case and improve it according to the most advanced imaging technology and clinical evidence supplied by experts.

These online delineation workshops are aimed at radiation therapists who want to improve their contouring skills or at more senior RTT specialists/educators who want to refresh and validate their knowledge and skills in this field.

  • Ana Rita Simoes, Radiation Therapist, UK
  • Yat Man Tsang, Radiation Therapist, Princess Margeret Hospital, CA

Before the workshop, pre-workshop homework will be sent out that needs to be complete before the workshop. This will be accompanied with prerecorded instructions how to use Falcon EduCase and how to logon for the first session with Zoom. This will be sent one week before the first workshop lesson. On the first online lesson the faculty members will give a guideline presentation, and will review and comment your pre-workshop contours. Participants are requested to contour the case the second time based on the taught guidelines.

On the second online lesson the faculty members will compare the first and the second submitted contours to the reference contours and generally comment the delineations. The faculty members will facilitate a group discussion on the use of auto contouring for OAR delineations, implementation of RTT led OAR contouring workflows and its relative impact on Radiation Therapists’ training and education.

  • 7 October 2025 - 18.00-20.00 CEST (Central European Summer Time)
  • 14 October 2025 - 18.00-20.00 CEST (Central European Summer Time)


ESTRO members can order products at substantially reduced prices. To benefit from the member registration rate, you must subscribe for the ESTRO membership 2025 BEFORE registering to the course. To become an ESTRO member, benefit from the member registration rate and discover the many other member advantages, please visit the membership page.

Registration fees

In training members*

100 EUR

ESTRO members

150 EUR


250 EUR


* Members with specialty RadiationTherapist (RTT) may register at the In-Training fee

Advance registration & payment are required.

Access to homework and/or course material will become available upon receipt of full payment.


For any cancellation made by the course or workshop participant, ESTRO School Events Cancellation Policy will be followed and all stated penalty fees will be applied.