Bilbao, Spain

Brachytherapy for prostate cancer

Low dose rate or high dose rate brachytherapy? What’s the difference and how do you do it? Tips and tricks when it gets difficult; post-implant challenges and toxicity management; which treatment for prostate cancer is best and in what circumstances?;  how does it compare with VMAT and SBRT?

This course covers a range of topics from patient selection, to implant and planning technique, to new developments in the field.

The course is aimed at all members of the prostate brachytherapy team who wish to enhance their knowledge and skills as well as those wishing to learn about prostate brachytherapy and aspiring to set up a brachytherapy programme including  urologists, radiation oncologists, radiation therapists (RTTs) radiologists, physicists and specialist nurses.

Course Director

Peter Hoskin, Radiation Oncologist, Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, London, Christie Hospital, Manchester and the University of Manchester (UK)


  • Peter Bownes, Medical Physicist, St James Institute of Oncology, London (UK)
  • Stefan Machtens, Urologist, Marien- Krankenhaus, Bergisch Gladbach (DE)
  • Carl Salembier, Radiation Oncologist, Cliniques de l’Europe, Brussels (BE)
  • Frank-Andr. Siebert, Medical Physicist, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel (DE)

The course aims to: 

  • Discuss patient selection, indications and contra-indications for brachytherapy. 
  • Provide an overview of the, physics background techniques, equipment and staffing for a prostate brachytherapy unit and regulatory requirements. 
  • Give an overview of the results, side effects and their management 
  • Discuss new developments relevant to brachytherapy in imaging, focal therapy and salvage

Course Content

This course includes an overview on epidemiology and treatment options for localised prostate cancer.   Patient selection for both HDR and LDR seed implants will be discussed with treatment indications and contra-indications. Practical examples of gland evaluation, different implant techniques, ways of treatment planning, and post implant evaluation are presented in the context of videos and interactive discussions between participants and the teaching staff. New approaches are discussed including salvage and focal therapy. Comparisons are presented between LDR and HDR brachytherapy implants and between brachytherapy and other treatments available for prostate cancer.


Before commencing this course participants should:

  • Revise the general principles of prostate cancer pathology, diagnosis and staging
  • Read the published GEC-ESTRO guidelines in LDR and HDR prostate brachytherapy
  • Complete the FALCON* exercise which is distributed prior to the course.
  • Access the blended learning virtual lectures

Teaching Methods

  • 3 hours of virtual lectures
  • 8 hours of lectures
  • 1 hour of contouring
  • 2 hours of practical workshops
  • 3 hours of interactive discussions.

Methods of Assessment

  • MCQ  
  • Delineation exercises
  • Evaluation form.





The scientific programme is available here.This is a draft version of the course programme.  ESTRO reserves the right to change the programme at any time.

Key Words

Prostate brachytherapy, high dose rate, low dose rate, radioiodine, afterloading.

Hotel Silken Indautxu

Plaza Bombero Etxaniz. S/N

48010 Bilbao



ESTRO members can order products at substantially reduced prices. To benefit from the member registration rate, you must subscribe for the ESTRO membership 2023 BEFORE registering to the course. To become an ESTRO member, benefit from the member registration rate and discover the many other member advantages, please visit the membership page.



Early rate

Late rate


 700 EUR

 800 EUR

ESTRO Members

  550 EUR 

 675 EUR

In-training members*

  400 EUR

 575 EUR

* Members with specialty RadiationTherapist (RTT) may register at the In-Training fee

Early rates are applied up to three months before the starting date of the course.

Late rates are applied three months before the starting date of the course.

The fee includes the course material, coffees, lunches, and the social event.

Advance registration & payment are required.

Since the number of participants is limited, late registrants are advised to contact the ESTRO office before payment, to inquire about availability of places. Access to homework and/or course material will become available upon receipt of full payment.

Insurance and cancellation

ESTRO does not accept liability for individual medical, travel or personal accidents or incidents. Participants are strongly advised to take out their own personal insurance policies.   

For any cancellation made by the course or workshop participant, ESTRO School Events Cancellation Policy will be followed and all stated penalty fees will be applied. 

In the unlikely event that ESTRO would need to cancel the event, ESTRO will reimburse the participants in full for the registration fee. ESTRO will not refund any travel and accommodation expenses.

Reduced fees

Members from emerging countries may register at a preferential rate of 350 Euro. Emerging country fee applies to individuals from low-income and lower-middle-income economies according to the World Bank listing here.

Additionally, all specialties from the following countries can benefit from this preferential rate: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine.  In addition, medical physicists from Cyprus can email to apply for this fee.

The preferential rate of 350 Euro is granted automatically when you click on the  BOOK NOW  button and the three conditions below are met:

  1. Only ESTRO members for 2023 are eligible (please make sure your 2023 membership is in order before you click on the BOOK NOW  button)
  2. Only one course per person per year can be subsidized by ESTRO
  3. Sponsored candidates are not entitled to reduced fees (the invoicing address has to be the one of the participant)  

 Please note:

  • We can only guarantee a certain number of reduced fees per course
  • Application deadlines are the same as early registration fees (3 months before the course date).