Hyderabad, India

Advanced Technologies 2023

The course is aimed at radiation oncologists, radiation physicists and radiation therapists (RTTs) who wish to participate in advanced technologies such as IMRT, IGRT, SBRT and Adaptive Radiotherapy (ART) in their department. Some experience in the field of conformal therapy, target delineation and treatment planning is a prerequisite. Making advanced technologies work is a team effort therefore simultaneous participation of the above-mentioned three disciplines from one team is strongly recommended.


The aim of the course is to provide:

• Understanding of the principles and background of IMRT, IGRT, SBRT and ART

• Knowledge on the impact of various geometrical uncertainties and where they can be minimised

• Knowledge of QA of IMRT, IGRT and ART

• An overview of available techniques, being able to choose between techniques and knowledge of their limitations

• Planar and 3D in room imaging

• Workflow and efficiency at the department for implementation of IMRT, IGRT and ART

• Clinical rationale, limitations and evidence for advanced technologies 

• Knowledge of inverse treatment planning optimisation, biological optimisation and dose painting.

• Contouring tips in Lung and Head and Neck cancers



Learning Outcomes’

By the end of this course participants should have gained knowledge to assist in:

Implement and safely and effectively apply IMRT, IGRT, SBRT and ART in their own clinic

• Tailor IMRT, IGRT, SBRT and ART to their specific clinical situations..



Course content

• Panel and participants discussion: IMRT and IGRT, the case for and against

• Dose volume constraints

• Methods of optimisation

• Dosimetry of IMRT

• Imaging and target delineation

• Geometrical uncertainties

• Planar and volumetric imaging

• Image registration

• Setup correction strategies

• Clinical sessions on thorax, pelvic and head and neck cancer covering the interaction of physics and clinic

• Workflow in the clinic including “how they do that” tips.

• Contouring sessions



The course is aimed at the whole team involved in clinical application of advanced technology. Participants are strongly encouraged to come as a team i.e. radiation oncologist, physicist and radiation therapists (RTTs). Some experience in advanced technologies is preferred yet no specific entry-course or expertise is requested.


Teaching methods

• 26 hours of lectures

• 4 hours of demonstrations.


Methods of assessment

Evaluation form.


Key words

IMRT/VMAT, Image guidance (IGRT), adaptive radiotherapy (ART), SBRT.


Course director

Ben Heijmen, Medical Physicist,

   Anil Anand, Radiation Oncologist,


  • Coen Rasch, Radiation Oncologist, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam (NL)
  • Andrew Hope, Radiation Oncologist, Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto (CA) 

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