Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023


May 13
08:45 - 10:00
Strauss 3
This house believes that centralisation will have a positive influence on the administration of brachytherapy procedures
Carl Salembier, Belgium;
Christian Kirisits, Austria
The characteristics of an ideal health care system have been identified as efficiency, quality and access. Brachytherapy remains an essential treatment in cancer care. To perform modern brachytherapy, highly specialised skills are required, but also the presence of a specific high-level brachytherapy environment. Question is raised if brachytherapy-care should be centralized? Centralization might have benefits in terms of expert centers. The reason for this is to ensure the maintenance of high standards. But, difficulties in referral and in access might eventually contribute to a lower use. Pros and cons of centralisation of brachytherapy care will be discussed during this session.
08:48 - 09:08
Ann Henry, United Kingdom
09:08 - 09:28
Jean-Michel Hannoun-Levi, France
09:28 - 09:38
For the motion - rebuttal
Ann Henry, United Kingdom
09:38 - 09:48
Against the motion - rebuttal
Jean-Michel Hannoun-Levi, France