Interview with the ESTRO staff (Part I) - PDF Version

This corner shares a lot of stories from the European SocieTy of Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) members: radiation oncology professionals from all disciplines. But ESTRO staff members are also an essential part of our community. You know they send us information about courses and congresses, they invite us to chair or speak at the annual congress. Now we would like to share with you an interview series with ESTRO staff members, published two at a time, so you can find out about their profiles, how and why they came to work at ESTRO, and how they contribute to the ESTRO vision “Radiation Oncology. Optimal Health for All, Together.”

First up:

  • Our very own newsletter coordinator Evelyn Chimfwembe >>
  • And our young ESTRO committee manager Andrea Collavini >>


Enjoy the read,

From Editors of the newsletter young corner


Jenny Bertholet


Bartłomiej Tomasik