And we meet again - PDF Version
Dear young corner readers,
After a rather quiet summer, the young corner is back and we have a lot of news to share with you! In addition to editors of the young corner, Sophie Perryck and myself (Jenny Bertholet), we were also chairs of the young track at ESTRO 2021. The summer was therefore filled with excitement about the interesting program and being able to meet some of you and each other in person. The excitement was mixed with some questions and uncertainties about bringing our young community together in a blended format and ensuring people, both on-site and online, could participate and interact.
We sincerely hope that those of you that were able to join, enjoyed the young track. One advantage of this years hybrid meeting is that all presentations have been recorded and therefore, those of you unable to attend the congress will still be able to enjoy the presentations from the young track (and the rest of the program) from January 2022 with your ESTRO membership (in-training members will have access too).
In the meantime, we are happy to publish three articles related to ESTRO 2021 and the activities for the young community.
First, Amanda Webster reports on her online participation, primarily in the young and RTT tracks, from her balcony with a view of the London skyline.
Second, Daan Nevens reports on his onsite participation and reminds us of the perks of an onsite congress and the exploration of Madrid.
Finally, Jolien Heukelom and Steven Petit, chairs of the young track for ESTRO 2020, report on the official launch of the pilot mentoring program. Quotes from both mentors and mentees make it clear that it was worth the wait and we wish them all a fruitful exchange over the next year.
ESTRO 2021 took place in a hybrid format through the endless work by the ESTRO office. We would like to thank all of you for making this congress, and the young track in particular, such a success!
Now it is time to look forward to ESTRO 2022 in Copenhagen with a young track chaired by Anne Gasnier and Laura Mullaney. Do not forget to submit your abstract by 27 October to present your work in a meeting that, we hope, will see many of us attending in person.
Sophie Perryck and Jenny Bertholet
Editors of the Newsletter young corner &
Chairs of the young track, ESTRO 2021
Sophie Perryck
Jenny Bertholet