1-3 June 2025 I Copenhagen, Denmark


Interview with Azadeh Abravan, member of the ESTRO Young committee and co-chair of the Agora working group, which is organising the event.

Azadeh Abravan, co-chair of the working group that is organising the Agora 2025 Future Leaders Retreat, shares insights into this transformative programme. By fostering leadership skills and fresh perspectives, Agora aligns with ESTRO’s vision and equips early-career professionals to shape the future of radiotherapy and ESTRO. Applications are now open—don’t miss your chance to join this unique experience!

What inspired the concept of "Agora", which has a focus on early-career professionals and their vision for radiotherapy's future?

The inspiration behind Agora comes from the recognition that early-career professionals are at the heart of radiotherapy's future. It reflects a commitment to the empowerment of the next generation of leaders, who can navigate the complexities of a rapidly evolving field while they drive innovation and foster collaboration with fresh voices and converging ideas.

Agora is designed to empower participants with the networks needed to bridge generational gaps, embrace diverse perspectives, foster leadership and innovative thinking, and build a shared vision for the future of radiotherapy within ESTRO and beyond.

How does this programme align with ESTRO's vision? How will the outcomes of this Agora feed into the broader strategic discussions of ESTRO?

Agora aligns closely with ESTRO's vision 2030 as it integrates radiation oncology into multidisciplinary cancer care and hence strengthens the profession, fosters collaboration, and ensures that all cancer patients can have access to radiotherapy.

The programme empowers early-career professionals with leadership skills to take on the long-term mission of translating scientific advances into practice while addressing the evolving needs of patients and promoting high standards within the field. Leaders in radiotherapy must remain aligned with the core mission of healthcare: to prioritise patient-centred care in every decision.

The outcomes of Agora will feed directly into ESTRO's broad strategic discussions. For instance, insights generated during the Agora programme will be brought to the Board Retreat, which immediately follows Agora and convenes ESTRO’s leadership to reflect on the Society’s future objectives. By incorporating fresh perspectives from emerging leaders, these discussions will help to ensure that ESTRO continues to advance professional development while staying focused on ways to improve patient outcomes and address future challenges in cancer care.

What leadership challenges are expected for early-career professionals in the next five to 10 years, particularly within radiotherapy?

Early-career professionals will face multifaceted challenges, including how to adapt to technological advancements—such as the steep rise in automation and artificial intelligence and their impact on innovation, processes and the workforce— and how to manage interdisciplinary teams and address inequalities in access to radiotherapy. Additionally, the increasing complexity of healthcare systems will demand strong decision-making skills and the ability to advocate for evidence-based policies. Balancing workload, ensuring workforce retention, and fostering team resilience will also be critical as professionals navigate the demands of leadership roles. Staying up to date with global advancements in radiotherapy and integrating these innovations into practice will be essential for future leaders.

What type of experience can participants expect if they join the programme?

Participants can expect a dynamic experience that combines interactive workshops, role-playing scenarios and collaborative discussions. The programme offers opportunities for networking, personal reflection, and skill-building to support both professional and personal growth.

Importantly, Agora is not a one-time event. While it is focused on supporting leadership development and innovative thinking, its true value lies in preparing future leaders for the long-term mission of advancing radiotherapy. Follow-up strategies will ensure that there is ongoing engagement with participants; their progress will be tracked and continued support will be provided in order to foster their growth and lasting impact over time. Finally, while Agora 2025 is focused on early-career professionals who have been selected for this initiative, it is just one part of ESTRO's broad mission to build a culture of ongoing leadership development that is inclusive and collaborative.


Azadeh Abravan

Co-chair of the Agora 2025 Working Group
Member of the ESTRO Young Committee
Medical Physicist
The University of Manchester and The Christie NHS Foundation Trust

How to Apply

Submit your application form along with the required documents

  • Application Deadline: Monday 10 February 2025
  • More information on Agora 2025: ESTRO - About ESTRO

Note: Travel and accommodation costs for selected participants will be covered by ESTRO.

