
Radiation risk appraisal for detrimental effects from medical exposure during management of patients with lymphoma or brain tumour

SINFONIA project will develop novel methodologies and tools that will provide a comprehensive risk appraisal for detrimental effects of radiation exposure on patients, workers, carers and comforters, the public and the environment during the management of patients suspected or diagnosed with lymphoma and brain tumours.

More information


The survey, which will take approximately 15 minutes, is available here:

The survey is open until 10 April 2022.

Aim of the survey

Education and Training (E&T) in dosimetry, radiobiology and radiation protection is a major element of the SINFONIA project. In a dedicated work package, the SINFONIA project aims to organise a sustainable, high-level training in the field of patient and staff radiation dosimetry, radiobiology/radiation sensitivity, radiation risk evaluation and radiation protection applicable to medical imaging and radiation oncology.

In order to evaluate the current dosimetry, radiobiology and radiation protection education in Europe, a survey for each topic has been developed. The surveys are addressed to the academic and professional study programs of radiologists, nuclear medicine physicians, radiation oncologists, medical physicists and other healthcare professionals throughout Europe. The aim of the surveys is to identify the gaps and good practices in dosimetry, radiobiology and radiation protection education based on course content and course material, learning outcomes, study load, applied teaching methodologies and, if applicable, the examination.

Please note that this survey will take on average 15 minutes to complete, depending on the amount of courses you teach. Each course has a set of specific questions and if you teach multiple courses, each course is presented successively. If you want to revisit your answers, please use the 'Previous' button at the bottom left of the survey page instead of the 'back' button of your browser.