Registrations to ESTRO meets Asia 2019 are now open! Visit our ESTRO meets Asia webpage for all the details.

Are you already active in ESTRO? Get a 20% discount on your registration fee!

Are you an ESTRO member? Have you attended an ESTRO course, workshop or congress in the past? 

Bring one of your colleagues who did not attend ESTRO meets Asia 2018 with you in Singapore, and you will get a 20% discount on your registration fee!

How does it work?

  1. Your colleague registers on-line.
  2. Once the registration of your colleague is settled, you contact us at with this form filled.
  3. We get back to you to confirm everything is ok.
  4. You can then register on-line and the discount will automatically apply.

We are looking forward to seeing both of you in Singapore!